Process Transactions

The Process Transaction page allows Admin role users to view or process batch files that are created via the Batch Capture, Sale & Refunds page.

The page can be accessed by clicking the Process Transactions link in the Batch Transactions menu of the navbar.

The Process Transactions page contains the following elements:

Process Transactions

  1. A Hide/Show Filters link that will hide or show the available page filters
  2. Available filter dropdowns — From Date, To Date, Batch Status, Payment Gateway
  3. Reset — Button that will reset the fields and dropdown values back to the defaults
  4. Filter button to filter the on-page data based on the selected filter values
  5. A dropdown to change the number of rows displayed in the table
  6. A dynamic search box that will show rows matching the user-entered criteria
  7. Table containing the information of the batch files created and the payments processed
  8. Process — Button to process the batch payments

The information icon of the Process button displays information about the approximate processing time of payments for that payment gateway.

Batch Payments

Clicking the Process button will process the payments, Refunds and a confirmation pop-up will display with the details of the processed batch.

Batch Payments


Rows that are already processed or that do not need manual processing (e.g., for Realex payments) will not have a Process button.

The Mobile view of the page looks as follows:

Process Transactions

Updated As of Version 6.0.0