Manage Gift Cards

This page can be accessed by the Merchant Admin and Merchant user role users. clicking the Manage Gift Cards link under the Gift Cards menu in the navbar.

Clicking upon the link, the user is navigated to the Manage Gift Cards page.

Manage Gift Cards

The page contains the following elements:

Manage Gift Cards

  1. A Hide Filters link that will hide the available page filters
  2. From Date and To Date — Date filters to search the Gift Cards by dates
  3. First 8 Digits Card/Account #(s) — Filter drop-down to enter first 8 digits of card number(s)
  4. Last 4 Digits Card/Account #(s) — Field to enter multiple card numbers with last 4 digits
  5. Created By Username — Drop-down to search by the username
  6. Gift Card Status — Drop-down to filter the data by Gift Card Status (Active, Deactivated, Deleted, Expired)
  7. Payment Gateway/Processor — Filter to search by Payment Processor
  8. Reset button to reset the filter to its default value
  9. Filter button to filter the on-page data based on the selected filter value
  10. A dropdown to change the number of rows displayed in the table
  11. A dynamic search box that will show rows matching the user-entered criteria
  12. Table containing the information of all the Gift cards saved
  13. Gift Card Number — A link that will take the user to the Gift Card Detail page for the selected Gift Card Number
  14. Action — A drop-down to perform user actions on the selected Gift Card
  15. A pager to go between pages in case there are more rows than what will fit on the page
  16. Add — button that will take the user to the Add Gift Card page when clicked.
  17. Make A Payment — A link when clicked upon takes the user to the Make A Payment page.


The following are the various types of user Actions that can be performed on the Gift Cards

The Action drop-down of a Active gift card displays as below:


Balnce Inquiry

Clicking upon Balance Inquiry option in the drop-down, Balance Inquiry popup will display like below and contains the following elements:

Balance Inquiry

  1. Card Security Code (CVD)/PIN — Field to enter the PIN number of the Gift card.
  2. Close — Button to close the popup.
  3. Submit — Button which is enabled when the Card Secruity Code field value is filled.

Clicking upon Submit button in the popup, the popup gets closed and a success message displays as follows:



Clicking upon Deactivate in the Action drop-down, the Gift card gets deactivated. The success message displays as follows changing the Status of the selected Gift Card to Deactivated.


An email and text message confirming the deactivation will be sent to the users.


The Action drop-down of the Gift Card whose status is Deactivated looks as below:


Clicking upon Reactivate in the Action drop-down, the Gift card gets activated. The success message displays as follows changing the Status of the selected Gift Card to Active.


An email and text message confirming the Reactivation will be sent to the users.

Add Amount to Card

If a Gift card's available balance is 0.00 then the Action drop-down of that Gift Card row displays with an additional option as Add Amount to Card


Clicking upon Add Amount to Card option in the drop-down, a popup will display to enter the amount to be added. The popup contains the following elements:


  1. Amount — Field to enter the amount to be added to the Gift card.
  2. Close — Button to close the popup.
  3. Submit — Button which is enabled when the Amount field value is filled.

Clicking upon Submit button in the popup, the user is returned to the Manage Gift Cards page with a success message.


If the process of adding the amount fails then a failure message displays as below:


Updated As Of Version