Forgot Password

The Forgot Password page displays whenever the user clicks the Forgot password? link on the login page.

The page contains the following elements:

Forgot Password screen fields

  1. A Username or Email or Mobile Number field
  2. First Name &mdash Field to enter the First name of the user
  3. Last Name — Field to enter the Last name of the user
  4. A Cancel button
  5. A Submit button, which is disabled by default

Clicking the Cancel button will take the user back to the login page and a message will display.

Forgot Password cancellation message

In order to reset his or her password, a user will enter the username, email address, or mobile number associated with his or her account, First Name, and Last Name and click the Submit button.

Forgot Password example

If the user tries to retrieve the Password with Mobile number and if there are multiple accounts with the same Mobile Number then the user will be asked to verify the Country Code. The page looks as follows:

Forgot Password

  1. Mobile Number field with Country code drop-down
  2. A Cancel button
  3. A Submit button

The user has to enter the Mobile Number along with the Country code in order to retrieve the password.

If the user cannot be found by the email address or mobile number, the application will redirect the user back to the login page and display an error message.

Forgot Password error

If the user is found, he or she is forced to answer a previously set up security question before his or her password is reset.

Forgot Password success

The page contains the following elements:

  1. A field containing one of the user's security questions with a place to answer
  2. A button to un-mask the contents of the field
  3. A Cancel button
  4. A Submit button, which is disabled by default

Clicking the Cancel button will pop up a window for the user to confirm that he or she would like to cancel the forgot password process.

Forgot Password cancel popup

Clicking No will close the popup and the user will stay on the security question page. Clicking Yes will take the user back to the login page and a message will display.

Forgot Password cancellation message

An error will display if the user answers the security question incorrectly and a new question will be presented.

Forgot Password security question failure

If the user is not able to answer the security questions in more than 3 attempts, the user gets Locked and is redirected to the Login page with a message that his/her account is locked.

Invalid Login Attempts

And the user is notified with an Email and Text message.

If the user answers the question correctly, and if the user has both email address and Mobile Number specified in the application then the user will be directed to the Pick Your Delivery method page.

The page contains the following elements:

Forgot Password

  1. By Mobile — Radio button when selected sends one-time password via text message to the Mobile
  2. By Email — Radio button when selected sends the temporary password via email
  3. By Mobile & Email — Radio button when selected sends the temporary password to both Mobile as a text message and to email
  4. Cancel — Button when clicked cancels the Forgot Password process
  5. Submit — Button when selected retrieves and sends the password via user selected delivery method

If the user selects By Mobile & Email radio button, clicking on Submit button will send the temporary password to both Mobile number as a text message and to the email address.

Forgot Password

If user has only email address or mobile number specified in the application but not both them after answering the security question the user is redirected back to the login page and display a success message based on the specifications.

Forgot Password success

An Email and text Message containing a temporary password will be sent to the user.

Updated As Of Version 6.0.0