Add Partner brand

The Add Partner Brand page can be accessed by clicking on the Add button on the Partner Brands page.

This screen allows a user to create a new Partner Brand.

The screen contains the following elements:

Add partner Brand

  1. Partner Brand Name — Field to enter a unique name for a Partner brand
  2. Rewards Program Name — Field to enter the name of the Loyalty Rewards Program
  3. Merchant points — Field to enter the merchant points required for partner Brand
  4. Partner brand Points — Field to enter the Partner Brand Points
  5. Transfer Points — Section which specifies the following information:
    • Minimum Points — Field to enter the minimum points that need to be transferred
    • Maximum Points Per Year — Filed to enter the maximum points that can be transferred per year
  6. Transfer Fees — Section that specifies the transfer fee rules based on the selected criteria, and contains the following elements:
    • Flat Fee and Fee per Point fields to enter the amount with radio buttons to choose from if Flat Fee is selected then the Fee per Point and Maximum Fee fields are disabled
    • Currency — Dropdown to select the related currency to transfer the fees
    • Pay Fee with Points — Field to enter the loyalty points to pay the transfer fees
  7. Cancel — Button to cancel the process of adding a Partner brand
  8. Save — Button to create a new Partner Brand, disabled by default

After filling out the required fields, clicking upon Save, a Partner Brand is created and the user is returned back to the Partner Brands screen with a success message as follows:

Partner Brands

Updated As Of Version