Add Channel

Through the Add Channel screen the System Admin can create/add a new Channel. The screen can be accessed by clicking on the Add button on the Channel Summary page.

The screen Contains the following elements:
Add Channel

  1. Channel Name — The field which allows user to enter a name for the Channel which should be unique
  2. Industry Type — Drop-down to select the Industry Type for the Channel
  3. Merchant Name — Drop-down to select the Merchant Name for the Channel
  4. Primary Payment Gateway/Processor(s) — A list box that shows all available Payment Methods which the application supports and allows a user to select from
  5. Add, Add All, Remove and Remove All — Buttons to add or remove the selected payment methods
  6. Assigned Payment Methods — Box which shows the user selected Payment methods for that Channel
  7. Non-Electronic Payment Methods — Checkboxes to select different types of non-electronic Payment Methods
  8. Dynamic Routing Capability — Section to enable/disable Dynamic Routing Capability and contains the following elements.
    • Switch to enable/disable Dynamic Rouitng Capability.
    • Secondary Payment Gateway/Processor — Drop-down to select the secondary Payment Gateway when the payment/Refund gets failed in the Primary processor.
    • Tertiary Payment Gateway/Processor — Drop-down to select the tertiary Payment Processor when the Payment/refund fails in Primary and Secondary Processors.
  9. Cancel — Button when clicked returns the user back to the Channel summary screen without adding a new Channel
  10. Save — Button which is disabled by default, gets enabled after entering the required data

After filling the required fields, clicking upon the Save button a new Channel is added and the user is taken back to the Channel Summary screen with a success message.


If the user is logged in as a System Admin then the Merchant Name drop-down displays with all the available merchants, if logged in as an Merchant Admin then only the related Merchant name displays in the drop-down.

Add Channel


Same payment methods cannot be assigned from multiple Payment gateways, if does so an error message gets displayed. Secondary and Tertiary Payment Gateway/Processor drop-downs are enabled only when the Dynamic Routing Capability is turned ON.

Add Channel

Updated As Of Version 6.0.0