Add Customer

The Add Customer screen can be accessed by clicking Add button on the Customer summary screen.
This screen allows System Admin to add a new customer.

The top portion of the screen contains the following elements:

Add Customer

  1. Profile — The screen where the Customer's demographic information along with the name, customer number and the contact information of the customer are added
  2. Due Reminder — The screen where the reminders can be set to notify the customer for invoice payments through an email

By default Add Customer screen is displayed with the Profile screen


The Profile screen looks as follows and contains the following elements:

Add Customer

  1. Customer Number — Field to enter a unique Customer Number
  2. Customer name — Field to enter Customer Name
  3. Merchant Name — Drop-down to select a Merchant Name
  4. Customer Type — Drop-down to select a Customer Type
  5. Mailing Address — section with the fields to fill the demographic information of the Customer
  6. Point Of Contact Information — section to enter Customer's Point of Contact information which includes name with Prefix and Suffix to be selected from the dropdowns, Job Title, Department, Phone Numbers and Email of the Point Of Contact.

If the Customer Type is selected as Patient then an additional field called Date of Birth displays on the profile page as below:

Add Customer

Due Reminder

The Due Reminder screen can be accessed by clicking Due Reminder tab in the Add Customer screen.
This screen allows the System Admin to set the invoice reminder alerts for the customers.

The screen contains the following the elements:

Customer Summary

  1. A dropdown to change the number of rows displayed in the table
  2. A dynamic search box that will show rows matching the user-entered criteria
  3. Section to create a new reminder:
    Fields to be entered to create a new reminder are:
    • Name, Description, Type dropdown, # Of Days, Status dropdown
      After entering these field values if clicked on + (Add) button then the alert will be created.
  4. Table containing the list of the available reminders with the following information:
    • S No — The sequence number of the reminder in the table
    • Name — The name of the customer user
    • Description — description of the alert set/reminder
    • Type — Type of the reminder whether Pre-due or Post due
    • # of Days — Displays with the number of days(either pre-due or post due) prior to send an alert
    • Status — Status of the alert set (active or deleted)
  5. Add — Button to add a new invoice reminder (gets displayed/highlighted after the required details have been entered in the Reminder section)
  6. Action — Drop-down with the option of Disable for the Active reminders and with the option of Enable for the Disabled remainders.

An Email and a Text message will be sent to the Customers with the reminder/alert to pay the invoice based on the selected criteria.

All the screens contains Cancel and Save buttons.

Add Customer

Clicking Cancel button will take the System Admin to Customer Summary screen without adding a new customer. While after the required fields are filled out clicking upon Save button will create a new customer and a success message gets displayed as follows:

Customer Summary

Updated As Of Version 6.0.0