TOPAZ Signature Pad


SigWeb™ offers electronic signature integration into Firefox, Chrome, Edge (10166 build or newer), Opera, and IE11+ for the full line of Topaz® signature pads.

Before using the device, we need to Download and install the TOPAZ software.

Once the software is installed, connect the TOPAZ device to the computer.

Connect TOPAZ

Now Login to the application and navigate to the Make A Payment page.

The Make A Payment page displays as below:

After filling all the required fields, the user has to select the Checkbox of the Signature pad.

Signature Checkbox

Once the checkbox is selected, the Signature pad gets enabled and contains the following elements:

Topaz Signature

  1. Box to where the user's sign from the device is reflected onto the UI.
  2. Icon to Confirm the Signature.
  3. Icon to clear the Signature.

The user can sign on the signature pad/Topaz, the same will reflect in the signature box on the Process Your transaction page.

Sign on TOPAZ

Clicking upon the Confirm the Signature icon, the user's signature will be confirmed and the Review button gets enabled.

Confirm Signature

Clicking upon the Review button, the user is taken to the Review Payment page.

Review Payment

Clicking upon Confirm button, the payment gets processed and the user is taken to the Confirmation page, where the signature gets reflected.

Confirm Payment


The Signature pad behaves the same way on the Refund page as well.

Once the user selects Transaction Category as Card Present and the Terminal the page displays as below:


When the user signs on the device and confirms the Signature, the Review button gets enabled and clicking upon the Review button, the user is taken to the Review Refund page.

Review Refund

Clicking upon the Confirm button, the Refund processes and the user is taken to the Confirmation page with the Refund details.

Confirm Refund

Updated As Of Version