Trouble Shooting of eDynamo on EMV Tags

Sometimes eDynamo devices are not recognized by the Magtek Reader Configuration App.

Following are the steps to be followed when we eDynamo device does not respond to RequestSmartCard WEB API calls or it is not recognized on the Magtek Reader Configuration App.

Before entering into the steps first download and install the DEMO APP.

The first sign to perform this entire process is when we see Unable to open a Reader in the Magtek Reader Config APP as below.

Magtek Reader Configuration

When you see the above error, you need to perform the following steps to trouble shoot the error, which essentially resets the eDynamo device and puts it freshly back in the USB connection mode.

Step 1: Make sure we have the correct USB driver installed for the eDynamo.

Go to the Windows device manager -> look for either Magtek MTSCRA device or HID-compliant vendor-defined device. Right click on this device -> update driver -> Browser computer -> Let Me Pick… -> select HID-compliant device and complete the driver update.

Device Manager

Look for either Magtek MTSCRA device or HID-compliant vendor-defined device. Right click on this device -> update driver.

Vendor Defined Device

Click on Browse my computer for drivers

Browse Computer

Then select Let me pick from a list....

Browse Computer

Select HID-compliant device.

Browse Computer

Click on Next and complete the driver update.

Driver Update

Step 2: The second step is to pair and connect eDynamo device via Bluetooth. If you have already paired this device before, please remove from the list of paired devices, turn off Bluetooth and turn it back ON.


Sometimes the device is cached on some windows machines, so we have to toggle the Bluetooth switch.

Press and hold the button on eDynamo (button is beside the usb port), until the LED light beside button will start blinking blue, should only take a couple of seconds of button pressed. This assumes that the eDynamo is in the pairing mode.


The eDynamo MUST be connected to the system via USB as well before we perform this step.

Now, add a new bluetooth device by clicking on the device serial number that matches on your screen. When asked for passcode, enter the pairing code as 000000. This completes pairing of the device.

Step 3: Run the DEMO APP which we have installed at the starting of this process.

The DEMO APP file location in your computer might show up like this.


The DEMO APP looks as follows:


Select TYPE as Bluetooth LE EMV and in the ID dropdown, you should see the eDynamo serial number you just paired.


Click connect -> In the console you will see [Device Opened] or [Device Connected] message which confirms the connection.


To send command: type: 480100 in the command textbox and click send.


This step concludes the process of resetting the device and putting it back in the USB mode.

Now we can go ahead and run the Magtek Reader Config App and we should be able to read the device. (we can continue changing EMV tags using this APP)