Edit Security Questions

The Edit Security Questions screen allows a user to change his security questions and/or answers to the security questions.

Edit Security Questions screen

The screen contains the following:

  1. Security Question 1/2/3 dropdowns
  2. Security Answer 1/2/3 fields
  3. A button to un-mask the contents of the security answer fields
  4. Reset button
  5. Save button

Clicking Reset will reset all of the dropdowns and fields to the previously-saved values.

Clicking Save will open Verify Your Identity popup and asks the user to enter the one-time passcode which they received to their Email and a Text message.

Edit Profile success

  1. One-time Passcode — Field to enter the one-time passcode.
  2. Close — button to cancel the update process and close the popup.
  3. Submit — button which gets enabled after the one-time passcode field is filled with valid value and clicking upon which the changes are saved for the account.

Once the user submits the One-time passcode, the changes are saved and the security questions and answers gets updated.

Edit Security Questions Success Message


In regards to Security, protect User's Identity and avoid account compromise, the Users cannot set all Security Answers as the same including the case sensitivity of the text.

When the user edits Security Q&A, the user will be notified with an Email and Text Message

Updated As Of Version