Reports Overview

Reports can be used to view the summary of transactions and to download them in the user selected file format.

Reports menu can be seen on the navbar if that feature is enabled at the merchant level.

The menu contains the following links:


  1. Billing Report Model 1 — This page allows the Admin users to generate and download billing reports
  2. Billing Report Model 2 — This page allows the Admin users to generate and download billing reports
  3. Pre-Authorization Aging — This screen allows users to generate and download reports of Unsettled transactions.
  4. Settled Transactions — This screen allows Admin users to generate and download reports related to Success and Failure transactions.
  5. Summary By Type — This screen allows users to generate and download reports related to transactions based on different types.
  6. Transaction Summary — This screen allows users to generate and download reports related to transactions based on different types.

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