Summary By Type

The users can generate and download the reports by grouping the transaction with different types of categories.

The page looks and contains the following elements:

Transaction Summary

  1. From Date — Field to select From date from the calendar
  2. To Date — Field to select To Date from the calendar.
  3. Transactions Group By — Drop-down to select the transaction type to be grouped by.
  4. Merchant Name — Drop-down to select the Merchant Name.
  5. Reset — Button to reset the filters to the default values.
  6. Generate Report — Button to generate the report.

Merchant Name will be hidden for all other user roles except System Admin.

Transactions Group By drop-down list displays with a list of Transaction types that the user can group by and generate the reports.

Transaction Summary

Upon selecting all the required fields and Clicking upon Generate Report button, the report is generated with the user selection and a preview of the Report will be displayed.

Transaction Summary

The Download Report button when clicked displays with a drop-down list of file types which the user can download. The user can download the Report in the selected file format.

Transaction Summary

Likewise, the user can generate and download reports by grouping different transaction categories.

View A Sample Summary By Type Report

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