Make A Payment - Card Present

*The application is supported on Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera on Windows Operating System and Safari on MacOS.


Users will need to download and install Magtek Software Package along with client certificate before making payments using Card Present Terminal.

In order to make a payment using a Card present Terminal, the user will need to log in and select Transactions → Make A Payment from the navbar.

The only difference in the screen will be that a "Card Present" radio button will display.

Pay via POS radio button

Credit Card

After selecting Card Present radio button the screen displays as follows and contains the following elements:

POS Payments

After selecting the Terminal, the following additional drop-down called Terminal Entry Mode will appear to choose the card entry mode such as Magnetic stripe, EMV, Manual Entry etc.

POS Payments

  1. Booking Information — Consists of the information related to customer booking such as Memebership Number, check-in dates etc.
  2. Payment information section where the user has to enter the Invoice number, Payment Type, Amount and select Currency.
  3. Payment Action — Drop-down with the options of Pre-Authorization, Force Capture, and Sale to choose from.
  4. Terminal — Under the PayerInformation Section the user has to select a POS Terminal from the available drop-down.
  5. Refresh — Button to refresh the device list.
  6. Terminal Entry Mode — Once the user selects the Terminal, the Mode drop-down displays with related options from which user has to select the mode of payment i.e., Magnetic Stripe, Manual Entry, EMV etc.
  7. Clear Payer information — Button to use when the user wants to clear card details if the something goes wrong
  8. Country — Billing Information country of the user initiating the payment
  9. Zip/Postalcode — Field to enter Zip code.
  10. Text with the agreement to accept terms and conditions of Payment.
  11. Signature box to draw an electronic signature of the user, if signed, will reflect in the Receipt Print as well.


The Terminal drop-down gets displayed only with the connected devices and the Terminal Entry mode is enabled only after the entering the amount and selecting the terminal/device.

After selecting the Terminal and Mode the user is prompted to swipe/insert the card.

POS Payments

Swiping the card will fill the dropdowns and fields on the Make A Payment screen with data read from the card and the fields are disabled.

POS Payments

The user has to enter the Zip/Postal Code in the respective field to get the Review button enabled.

The user can draw the signature in the Signature box.


The process of submitting a payment is the same as submitting a "normal" (i.e., online terminal) payment.

  1. Click the Review button to go to the Review Payment screen.
  2. Review the payment; click Modify to go back to the Make A Payment screen or click Reset to reset the data and go to the default screen.
  3. Click the Confirm button on the Review payment screen.
  4. Click Confirm & Save to save the card for future use

The Confirmation page looks as follows:

POS Payments

If the card data is not being read, then an error messages get displayed once the user swipes or inserts the card and the user is not able to complete the payment.

Error if card not read

If there are no devices connected to the machine then an inline error displays under the Terminal drop-down when selected Card Present as below:

Error if device not found

Updated As Of Version